CHARACTER of Martial Arts and the Universal Law of Interdependence – The Keys to Life Mastery, Key #2

In the philosophical teachings that form the basis of the Ninja Warrior lifestyle, there is a principle known as the “law of interdependence”. This supposed ‘law’ is not a mandatory rule that one must follow, nor should it be confused with dependency or codependency as seen today when one or more individuals who cannot or choose not to support themselves, support and ‘depend’ the work and resources of another for the satisfaction of their needs. Rather, the law of interdependence is something that must be recognized as a basic ‘truth’ in the world.

Like the law of gravity or cause and effect, it is something that is ‘happening’, always, regardless of whether we ‘believe’ in it or not. In fact, contrary to our need to believe that we are what we are, this principle in action shows us that we are more like others than we think.

However, unlike the law of gravity, which is difficult to understand and explain; Interdependence is relatively easy to explain. Let’s use a simple analogy to understand these ‘goings’. We’ll use something simple, like a Whopper. No, I am not paid to endorse a food franchise and you can substitute this item for any of thousands of others. But, for our purposes, it will do.

Now, most people would agree with the connection between them and everyone who works at the restaurant at the time you visited and placed your order for the sandwich. Someone took the order from him; another was busy making the product; and others made sure it landed on a tray or bag and eventually in his hand. In this simple view, there is an interdependent connection between you: the person who ‘wants’ the sandwich, and those who make sure you get it.

Of course, seen from any worker’s point of view, they are mutually dependent on you and many others throughout the day, wanting and willing to pay for a sandwich so they can get a paycheck at the end of the week. For you: no restaurant, no sandwich. For them: no customers, no restaurant, no salary.

But, in the words of the enigmatic guru “Morphius” from the popular movie “The Matrix,” if you really want to see “how far down the rabbit hole goes,” we can take a much closer look at that simple sandwich.

Let’s start with the packaging. It was not made there in the restaurant. It was delivered, probably by truck. What does it mean that? Well, where do you want to start? Driver? Truck dealership that sold it to Burger King? truck manufacturer? Trailer manufacturer? Get the idea?

For now, let’s stick with the remaining driver and truck associated with the restaurant. But, we are already talking about more than just the employees who work in the restaurant, right? Many, if not all, have families who will benefit from their paycheck in some way, just as the company benefits from their desire or willingness to do the work they are doing.

The packaging itself is paper, which now extends our connection to people who work in the wood and paper production industries and their families. The ink does the same in that sense; and so on in the rest of the parts of the sandwich like the hamburger, the vegetables, etc.

“What’s the point?” I can hear you ask. “How does this relate to personal development, martial arts, self defense, or my life?” After all, aren’t we any different than a sandwich?

I don’t think it’s the answer that drives the point home so much as a question: if a hamburger can be made from the materials, effort, energy, intention, and connections of so many that it almost touches everyone else’s life . person on the planet – how can we believe that we, as so-called ‘individuals’, can be any different? After all, haven’t each of us been influenced, positively or negatively, by other people, places, and situations that lead us to believe, act, and relate to the world the way we do?

Can you imagine how different you would be if those influences had been different or hadn’t existed at all? Just think about what motivated you to take up martial arts training. Regardless of whether it was self-defense, the allure of Asian culture, or something else, you were exposed to those ‘other things’ first, which gives you a reason to pursue the arts. The saying goes, “no (woman) man is an island,” and it’s true. No matter how much we would like to be an ‘individual’, however, we are tied to every other human being on the face of the planet, if only by the water we drink and the air we breathe. The law of interdependence teaches us to recognize the value of all things and to treat everything as if it were ‘I’. Only then can we be sure that we are not acting in a selfish and selfish way that will harm, alienate or hinder ourselves or others.

What does this have to do with our training? It is the person who recognizes and acts knowing this to be true who builds his world instead of isolating himself as important and in contrast to everything and everyone else who is seen as ‘obviously’ of lesser value. It is the ego that must be “right” and “just” that needs to attack others, to fight for what is “right.”

There is an old saying that “the truest measure of a person’s character is in the way he treats those he cares least about.” Once we understand and can ‘see’ how every thought, word and action acts on the world, we can take control of the process and decide to build a character that takes responsibility for how it affects others. We will no longer act from a state of disconnection and isolation, but will instead move purposefully through our world with compassion and disciplined action.

We have a choice. We can be ‘nice’ to others because it is polite to do so, because we hope to get something from them, or because we have to live with them. However, we can treat others with respect and honor because we recognize that we are already connected to them in some way.

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