Magnetic Power Generators: The Shocking Truth

Thousands of people are looking for alternative sources of electrical energy. Everyone knows that solar power and wind turbine power generation offer a green alternative to electricity produced from fossil fuels. A third alternative for electricity production is the generation of magnetic energy.

Proponents of this idea claim that once the initial equipment is purchased, the owner receives free power forever. The basic premise of magnetic power generation is that once the generator is turned on, it will continue to produce electricity indefinitely. If true, this equipment has the potential to revolutionize electricity production. Let’s dive deeper into this topic and find out the shocking truth about magnetic power generation.

The search for free energy has fascinated mankind for centuries. Leonardo Da Vinci made a series of drawings of machines that he thought might be capable of generating free energy. Nikola Tesla has been called the father of free energy. More recently, Bruce De Palma and John Christie have developed what they call the future of free energy.

In 1977, Bruce De Palma built his N-Machine, which he claimed used rotating magnets to produce power. The N-Machine reportedly generated up to four times more output power than input power, creating a drive glut. Overunity or perpetual motion refers to any device or system that perpetually produces more energy than it consumes.

Australian inventor John Christie of Lutech Australia Pty Ltd, claims to have developed a magnetic power generator capable of 440% overunity. Unfortunately, none of these magnetic power generators have been independently verified as capable of producing overunity. Critics claim that such a generator cannot produce overunity or free energy. Doing so would defy a basic law of physics, the conservation of energy. Unlike solar and wind power, there are currently no power companies that use magnet-powered generators for electricity production.

Many of the websites that promote the idea of ​​magnetic power generation offer DIY plans to make the generator. Can you really get free power from a DIY magnetic power generator? One site, Magniworks, claims its plans will allow anyone to build a power generator for less than $100, using materials available at any hardware store. Also, this easy-to-build power generator could replace 50% or more of your electrical consumption. The site claims that hundreds of these generators have been built from their plans and lists several satisfied customers. Using directory assistance and a web-based search service, I tried to locate people in the US who claimed to have built and installed these generators. Unfortunately, I was unable to locate any of the references listed on the Magniworks website.

Unable to verify any actual working installations, I decided to download the magnetic generator plans from the Magniworks site. With these plans he was getting to the truth about the magnetic power generators. The plans offer a detailed list of parts, illustrations and instructions. However, after building the generator, he has something that is a science project, not an alternative energy solution. The generator is small (approximately 4 square inches) and, according to the printed specifications, produces only 24.5 watts of output. Think about it. 24.5 watts is less than half the power needed to power a single 60-watt bulb. To replace 50 percent or more of your current electrical usage, you would have to build 20-25 of these generators and then connect them together.

So what is the shocking truth about magnetic power generators?

1. Claims of magnetic power generation to achieve superior drive have not been independently verified. The free energy of magnets is still a theory, not a proven concept.

2. The popular DIY generator Magniworks, even if it works, is not big enough to generate a significant amount of electricity.

In conclusion, don’t waste your time or money chasing the free energy promised by proponents of magnetic power. Stick to proven alternative energy sources. Solar power and power from wind turbines, while costing upwards of $100 to install, actually produce actual usable electricity. Some of the components, solar panels and wind turbines, can be built at home. Excellent plans for solar panels and/or wind turbines are available for download.

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