Seminal thoughts on logically creative thinking (an article on the nature of inventiveness)

I don’t want to take up your time with another article, but I promise if you read it, it will be truly beneficial to you and anyone you work, play, live, or think with. This article is about the logically creative thinking that works to make anything in life more honestly effective. In fact, if you apply the ideas in this article, it will really pay off in every way, it’s not just a promise, but the honest facts. “Wild” creativity and genuine inventiveness are productive in every way, and focused thinking of this kind is never lazy or lax. Creativity and inventiveness is the most spiritual value of existence or life. Because if nothing new is produced or created, life is genuinely meaningless. In fact, I can honestly say that existence would not progress beyond the stage of a “formless dark void” if there was literally nothing invented or created.

Think about it, progress is the only reason to live, learn and everything we do. However, some people avoid some developments as dispassionate or unemotional. When the opposite is the fact. And the people who “disparage” progress are the ones who are mean, emotionless “logical” and dispassionate (I put the word logical in that case in quotes to mean they are being emotionless, but genuinely illogical in the guise of logic) .

Thinking like a creator requires being fully a creator in a logical, “dispassionate” and efficient way at work. Honest work is efficient and “dispassionately” effective. I am sure that even Thomas Edison in creating the light bulb with his co-workers was “dispassionately” efficient in wanting the light bulb to be invented or Nikola Tesla in his inventions was “dispassionately” efficient in discarding what did not work in the inventions. And finally Einstein, he was “lazily” creative in deciphering the mysteries of physics and the universe, and he was also “dispassionate” in his thinking about it, that he created a simple theory for the most complex phenomena that exist: that is, the theory special relativity, energy, space, time and matter.

Ironically, this is how creativity works with “dispassionate”, efficient, “lazy”, convenient effectiveness. I think of Ilya Prigogine’s theory of dissipative structures: each change and progression makes the next progression more probable and realistic.

So think about this in fact Arthur C. Clarke said that technology becomes indistinguishable from magic at the highest levels. This is a reality of the situation. I didn’t say “the” reality. I said “a” reality. For in this respect, there are many conditions and ideas that make up reality. But there is only one that makes up the ultimate fantasy. That idea is that everything is a “cookie cutter” or uniform level that works for everyone, or “one size fits all.” No. If that were real, we would still have the “formless dark void” I mentioned earlier in this article. One size never fits all, no matter how uniform things may seem. Perfection is a measuring stick and not just any reality, by no means, because each thing in existence has a separate existence as a unit of energy or consciousness, and if it has no consciousness, it is a unit of energy. Both objects and sentient beings are formed from energy. So, it all comes down to energy.

I consider that this article fills in some of the blank spaces left by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel in his philosophy. He was always far from fulfilling the monistic hypothesis that we are all energy, and one as energy, but separated as valences of individual energy units or domains of units. But, beyond philosophical or religious thought, there is objective reality. That’s what counts, that’s what integrates above everything that can integrate. Even the most realistic fantasy thinking is beneath that cold, hard money call and meaning that it is, reality. It is when there is a marriage between fantasy, possibility, and reality that genuine progress occurs. The only time stunting or stagnation occurs is when all three are genuinely disintegrated.

In essence, one size does not fit all, but the only way for everything to be uniform is for it to be made of energy. But of course you will have uniform “materials”, but never uniform results. Of course I am opening a “new can of worms” with that thought, but this is what this article intends to do in the most genuine way, because reality is progress, everything else is commentary and useless “fuzzy dice” or unreality. The ultimate fantasy is “ease.” Genuine reality is hard thinking, progress, and hard results. It goes beyond “what you see is what you get”. What it is, is what you get. And what you do is what you take and work for. I couldn’t explain it better or more succinctly.

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