What kind of nurse is your baby?

Just as each baby has a unique personality, so each baby has a unique breastfeeding style. Your baby may fall into one of these categories classified by researchers. Or you may find that your baby has developed a breastfeeding personality of her own.

Barracuda: Your baby’s nursing style is similar to a barracuda if he clings tenaciously to the breast and suckles voraciously for ten to twenty minutes. A baby barracuda is not entertained – mealtime is not silly to him or her. Occasionally a baby barracuda’s suck is so vigorous that it really hurts at first. If your nipples are victims of the strong sucking of your baby barracuda. Don’t worry, they will quickly harden as they acclimate to nursing sharks.

Excited ineffective: If your baby becomes so nervous when presented with a breast that he often loses his grip and then screams and cries in frustration, he probably has ineffective arousal on his hands. Mothers of these types of infants should be more patient; You will need to keep your baby nice and calm before you go back to work. Typically, the excited ineffectuals become less excited and more effective as they learn to breastfeed, at which point they will be able to keep the prize without incident.

Undecided: Procrastinators do just that of procrastinating. These slow babies do not show any particular interest or ability to suck until the fourth or fifth day, when the milk comes out. Forcing a procrastinator to feed before they play won’t do any good (as forcing one to do their homework before the last minute is sure to backfire, but you’ll find out later). Instead, waiting seems to be the best bet; procrastinators tend to get down to nursing when they are well and prepared.

Gourmet: If your baby likes to play with your nipple, chew on it, taste some milk, smack his lips, and then slowly savor each bite of milk like he’s writing a restaurant review, he’s probably a gourmet. When it comes to the gourmet, breast milk is not fast food. Try rushing the gourmets with their food and they will be completely furious, so let them take their time to enjoy the eating experience.

To stay: Those who rest like to breastfeed for a few minutes and then rest for a few minutes. Some even prefer the pinch and nap method: breastfeeding for fifteen minutes, falling asleep for fifteen minutes, and then waking up to continue feeding. Breastfeeding this type of baby will take time and patience, but rushing a sejour through its course, like rushing a gourmet, will do no good.

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