Tips for happy eating: you will never force your children to eat again

Mealtime should be one of joy and fun, not insistence or frustration. For meals to be happy, you must approach everyone with a sense of amusement, not duty. Helping your baby meet her nutritional requirements should be fun, not work.

get ready and focus

Prepare all the necessary items in advance so that you can focus exclusively on your child during the meal. It’s distracting to be jumping around for a missing spoon or bib while trying to bond and enjoy your baby over a bowl of applesauce.

family eating

Nothing will please your baby more than eating with the family. Move the high chair closer to the table and have your child sit with her siblings or alone with her parents while they eat each meal of the day. If you can’t feed your baby while she eats, you can feed her before dinner and then let her taste mashed foods from the table or play with a glass of water during the meal; You will simply enjoy being with the family. As you start snacking, eating with the family will become much easier, and it’s good to have a routine already established.

never force

You should never force your children to eat anything. Provide only healthy snack and meal options and allow them to eat what they want, when they want. A snack should be small with larger portions of different foods at mealtimes, but frequent snacking or small meals is perfectly normal for children and many adults. Making food a battlefield simply takes any joy out of food altogether. If your child persists in eating any food at mealtime, let him starve until the next normal meal or snack and serve him a normal serving at that time. Unless there’s a medical problem or she’s loading up on unhealthy snacks, she’ll eat when she’s hungry and forcing it won’t help much.

make food fun

To make mealtime fun, you also need to focus on making eating fun. Have your older child help in the kitchen. Older children can prepare complete dishes on their own, and younger children can help stir or add ingredients. Letting your child help prepare food makes eating so much more fun and interesting. Arranging food in a colorful way on the plate is also very entertaining for children, even adults love to eat pancakes designed as smiley faces.

pay attention to signs

Your non-verbal child will send you signals that he is getting full or is no longer interested in his food. When he starts playing with his food or throwing it on the floor, he isn’t hungry enough to eat it and you can eliminate a source of frustration by taking the plate from her and offering her a toy to play with. This allows you to stay at the table with the rest of the family, but you won’t have to scramble to clean up a big mess at every meal.

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