Can probiotics kill parasites?

Until the middle of the last century, around the 1950s, if you complained to your doctor about being tired all the time, he used to prescribe an outdated medicine for worms. Parasites still exist, but it is very difficult to detect exactly what symptoms they are causing. that’s why modern medicine tends to ignore them now.

The parasite testing procedures used today can only recognize about 50 of the many hundreds of parasites that can live within us, add to that their very erratic reproductive cycle and at best, you will get test results. inconclusive. Also, if you consider the long list of possible parasite-related symptoms, some may be due to disorders other than parasites.

Probiotics can help

The perfect terrain for parasites to thrive is one that lacks the proper balance of gut flora. This is the balance between good and bad bacteria, and since probiotics make up the majority of good bacteria, increasing that number will decrease the chance that parasites will survive, or at least stop the reinvestment.

How to increase your probiotics

Probiotics are already inside your gut, living alongside other bacteria. They are constantly fighting bad bacteria trying to keep their numbers low so that their digestive tract can function properly and fight infections, disorders and diseases. You may have heard of probiotic supplements that some companies add to certain fermented foods like yogurt, while this seems like a way to increase the probiotics in your system, it doesn’t really help the cause.

New research points to prebiotics

Ongoing research on the relationship between pro and prebiotics is still relatively new, but it has produced some exciting and optimistic results. Neither probiotics nor prebiotics are anything new, what is new are the discoveries that have been made regarding how these two work together.

As mentioned above, probiotics are naturally found in our digestive tract as a type of good bacteria necessary for good digestive health.

How Prebiotics Fit In

Prebiotics are not found naturally in our bodies, but they are found in certain carbohydrate foods that we eat, such as whole grains, raw vegetables, and a variety of fruits. When absorbed into our digestive tracts, they provide important enzymes, phenols, and fiber nutrients that probiotics feed on to grow. So while probiotics are very important, they are not self-sufficient, therefore they must have prebiotics that provide them with the food they need.

Our intestinal flora is a very delicate and complicated balancing act, but the good news is that we can seriously influence it through our diet; Feed it junk and sugar and give things like E. coli and parasites the upper hand. But feed it good, healthy prebiotics and you give the probiotic team the upper hand representing the good bacteria that can smash the bad ones through sheer numbers … the choice is up to you.

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