Does using dates for lottery numbers improve your chances? Improve your chances by playing smart

Do you think using dates as lottery numbers will improve your chances of winning the lottery?

Maybe. Maybe not. Many of you have tried to use important dates in your life as lottery numbers in an attempt to improve your chances of winning the lottery. I admitted it, I’ve even done it myself. But does it make sense; is he smart?

Most people, myself included, take birthdays and anniversaries seriously. So, I want to be careful not to unhing anyone. However, it is important that you look at the facts fairly.

Well, it turns out that playing birthdays, anniversaries and other memorable dates in our lives is perfectly valid for some lotteries. In other lotteries you pay a penalty. The penalty is a reduction in your chances of winning the lottery.

For example, in North America, play dates are fine for West Virginia Cash 25 (6/25), Wisconsin Badger 5 (5/31), Pennsylvania Cash 5 (5/30), or Minnesota Northstar Cash (5/31). ) lotteries There is no penalty. But, for the other 69 lotteries, you won’t improve your chances of winning the lottery by doing so. In fact, it will lower your chances because numbers 32 and above are never played.

So here is the fundamental question. Improve your chances of not? Well, that’s your decision. But, you should at least be aware of the penalty you pay for doing so. Here are some lottery statistics to keep in mind.

Do you know how severe your penalty will be?

Lottery statistics clearly show that the bigger the lottery, the bigger the penalty. Here are some facts to help you decide if exclusively playing dates in your lottery is worth it. This data comes from analyzing the winning numbers of all 5-number lotteries in North America over a three-year period.

How often will you compete to win the lottery jackpot?

1. For a 5/35 lottery: only 55% of the time

2. For a 5/37 lottery: only 40% of the time

3. For a 5/40 lottery – only 23% of the time

So if you play a 5/40 lottery, 9 months out of every year, you couldn’t win the lottery jackpot by singing Happy Birthday! And, for all you moviegoers out there, in 40 weeks of lottery draws each year, The Wedding Singer’s chances of winning the lottery jackpot were zero!

Question: Do you really want to pay that fine?

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