Germany’s Fourth Reich spreads its wings over the world

Those who strongly disagree with the advance of the “European Union”, the eurosceptics, state sovereignty is under attack and that the EU is going backward, descending into the darkness of fascism, not promoting democratic ideals but sacrificing them with impunity.

Rodney Atkinson, author of three books on the subject of The rise of fascist Europe (most recent), led the charge, sounded the alarm, from a strictly secular point of view that interestingly coincided with what theologian Herbert W. Armstrong was warning from a purely biblical perspective: the revival of the godless Roman Empire is underway, and most remain unaware of its inherent dangers.

Both the Bible and history serve as two witnesses testifying against the German Jesuit-dominated drive to control the European continent and then the world, enforcing a Pax Romana of sordid spells.

Do you really think such a grandiose design would be confined to Europe or limited to remaining a regional power? TRUE is Stranger than fiction.

calls are rising for the destruction of the European monster in the making, to abort the beast while it is still possible, due to legitimate concerns ranging from the EU’s fascist tendencies, its clearly exposed and exposed Nazi role model, and fears that it will finally implode and impede Europe for years and drag the entire world down with it.

In abolish the european unionRobert Locke considers that “The EU is a deadly threat to the civil liberties of those who live under it… The EU is quite plausibly at the core of a would-be soft-totalitarian world state; in fact, it is far more likely to fill this role than the justly despised UN. I apologize if this sounds alarmist, but history clearly teaches us to think ahead about the logical implications of things just beginning… there are signs that Europe is awakening the monster in its midst.”

Even “Former Soviet dissident warns against EU dictatorship”

“In a speech he gave in Brussels, Vladimir Bukovsky called the EU a ‘monster’ that must be destroyed, the sooner the better, before it becomes a full-fledged totalitarian state.”

Note the recurring use of the word “monster” in reference to the beast that rises in Europe. Germany is the head of the monster. although The Atlantic Times, among others, looks the other way and refuses to question: Germany Behind the Mask: Monster or Marshmallow? Although Johannes Gross revealed that his compatriots wear a mask. “But there may come a day when someone takes off their mask,” he wrote. “…As long as we wear the mask, we will remain hidden and continue to hide the situation from ourselves.”

Others fear the colossal failure of the European Union and its tragic consequences.

Why the EU needs to be destroyed, and is soon lamented “The EU wants to recreate the Roman Empire and ends up creating the second fall of Rome.”

Christopher Booker and Richard North, co-authors of The great deception: can the European Union survive? they believe the EU is doomed to fail and that it would “leave behind a terrible devastation, a wasteland from which the peoples of Europe would take many years to emerge” and concludes: “…the project that Monnet had set in motion was a huge, ramshackle, self-deluded monster: partly suffocating in its own bureaucracy; partly a corrupt racket, providing endless opportunities for individuals and collectives to outwit and exploit their fellow men; in part, a powerful engine to promote the national interests of those countries that knew how to ‘work the system’… The one thing above all else the project could never be, because by definition it was never intended to be, was in the remotest sense democratic.”

However, Bible prophecy shows that the European Union will be highly successful, rich and powerful enough to impose their economic, political, and religious views on the rest of the world, insisting that everyone receive their mark of approval or else (Revelation 13:16-18; 17; 18).

“Corporatism is, of course, the basic building block of all fascist systems,” notes Rodney Atkinson in CORPORATISM: THE EUROPEAN DISEASE CATCHES.

Apparently, Mr. Atkinson is right again, as Jerome Corsi has been exposing how our southern border is blurred for world trade, in keeping with treacherous plans underway to create the “North American Union” merging Mexico, the United States and Canada, complete with the “Amero”, all under “…the North American Strategic and Prosperity Partnership, or SPP. The SPP agreement was struck between President Bush, President Vicente Fox and the Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin during their March 2005 summit meeting in Waco, Texas The Bush administration’s plan is to create a North American Union modeled on the European Union…”. (emphasis mine).

In correspondence with Mr. Corsi about these developments by design at home and abroad, he replied:

“Common markets and free trade zones are forming all over the world. The North American Union is further along than we think. This is a fight we have to take up, otherwise the US will be gone.”

That is the whole purpose of the globalists! No wonder President Bush doesn’t give a damn (remember the bohemian grove?) about the borders with Mexico. Many leaders have sold their souls, betrayed their people and stabbed their countries in the back.

Reuters Arthur Spiegelman wrote on May 10, 1996: “Realizing that they were losing the war in 1944, Nazi leaders met with leading German industrialists to plan a secret postwar international network to restore them to power., according to a recently declassified US intelligence document. The document… says that an SS general and a representative of the German arms ministry told companies like Krupp and Rohling that they should be prepared to finance the Nazi Party… when it went underground.”

We are now witnessing the beast begin to rear its ugly head again and come out of exile, having put down firm roots throughout the world. Germany’s Fourth Reich is forming with partnerships around the world, its Assyrian eagle looking both East and West as its talons are determined to seize countries as prey and enslave all in its system.

secret nazis [] they are getting more brazen and will soon shed their corporate, political, educational and religious layers to openly promote their new emperor to oversee this international company of elitists called BABYLON.

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