Gift ideas for the seniors on your list

The older loved ones in your family reach a point where they no longer need things; they do not

have room for more things to collect dust. They find it difficult to take care of their homes and maintain them

clean and organized. They don’t have the strength or stamina for household chores.

Older people like gifts that provide entertainment and companionship; gifts that make your life more

pleasant, less stressful and uplifting. They like those special items that they would never buy

by themselves or your budget does not allow it.

If you don’t have a lot of money to spend, give them your time. Tackle a task that is too difficult to

your favorite older person, like cleaning your house or tending your garden. Run errands or run them

shopping. Cook healthy meals for them. Give them a gift certificate of yours with the promise to take it

Take care of these tasks weekly or monthly and keep your promise! Take time to visit or read them.

Many of the following gift ideas come from seniors themselves.

  1. Tickets to a local movie, theater, concert, symphony or conference. If they live alone, you can give them two tickets so they can invite a friend.
  2. A subscription to a magazine, such as Taste of Home, Country Woman, Birds and Blooms, Reminisce, a craft magazine, a sports magazine, or a gardening magazine.
  3. An offer to host a Christmas dinner at your home instead of theirs.
  4. A new portable phone.
  5. Blank CD for storing music or graphics.
  6. A box of your favorite sweets; one or two boxes a year won’t hurt. (If your health allows).
  7. A gift card for a restaurant, department store, pharmacy, grocery store, or supermarket.
  8. The latest book from a favorite author, a gift certificate to a bookstore, or a subscription to a book club.
  9. Phone cards so they can call family and friends without feeling guilty about the phone bill.
  10. A new computer, computer accessory, or lesson program to use. A computer allows them to keep in daily contact with friends and family online. If they have a printer, they might like paper, ink, or toner cartridges.
  11. A computer class at your local computer learning center or community college.
  12. For the artisan, gift certificates from Michaels, Richards or Hobby Lobby.
  13. Membership to a gym or interest group.
  14. Membership in a local discount shopping club like Sam’s Club or Costco.
  15. A gift certificate for a dinner for four at a local restaurant and a note telling them to invite three friends who have no family to celebrate with. It gives them the opportunity to give!
  16. Favorite foods they love but are too expensive for their budget.
  17. Take them to church on Christmas Eve and take a walk to see the lights and decorations.
  18. Help them move furniture or hang curtains, pictures, decorations, etc. in time for the holidays.
  19. Take the tree and decorations out of storage and help decorate. And above all, help put everything in its place once Christmas is over.
  20. Make a payment to the phone or electric company.
  21. Pay for furnace cleaning and maintenance.
  22. Warm winter clothing, gloves, underwear, nightgown or pajamas, loungewear, sweatshirts, socks or slippers.
  23. Take the time to listen to their stories and record them for future generations. Sharing your voice on tape with future generations would mean a lot to them.
  24. Many older people go through bouts of depression during January and February. Why not cheer them up by inviting them to lunch or dinner? It doesn’t have to be an expensive restaurant; just a place to eat and spend time together.
  25. Make lunch or dinner at home and help clean up afterward.
  26. Many older people don’t drive, so get them out of the house; take them shopping, to visit a family member or to visit the sites.
  27. All the children and grandchildren go together to give a great gift. A family gave a new trash can full of everyday things, such as cleaners, paper towels, toilet paper, garbage bags, and non-perishable food. Grandchildren can make a card or crafts to include.
  28. A digital camera.
  29. Food gifts. There are several fresh fruit companies that ship once during the holidays, once a quarter or once a month. The elderly person can share the gift with their friends and neighbors.
  30. A coupon book filled with a to-do list.
  31. A cleaning lady every two weeks or once a month.
  32. Change the sheets on your bed once a week or hire a neighbor boy to help you. The difficult task is done and the older one enjoys the boy’s friendship.
  33. A permanent gift certificate to a favorite hair salon or salon. They can go once a week to comb their hair and whenever they need a perm or a haircut.
  34. A gift certificate to get your nails done. As caring for your own feet becomes more difficult, hand out a gift certificate for a pedicure.
  35. A kitchen timer to remind them when food is cooking on the stove, when clothes are ready to put in the dryer or take out of the dryer, to wake them up after a short nap, to remind them not to stay up too late if they are reading before going to bed. Give away more than one timer for different rooms in the house!
  36. Roll of postage stamps with special support, cards, stationery and pens.
  37. A coupon for a spring cleaning or a car wash.
  38. For the gardener, give tools, seeds, plant starter kits, peat pots.
  39. A coupon for cleaning a spring garden.
  40. Gift certificates for Amazon or other online stores so they can order gifts for themselves.
  41. If he has a favorite hobby, give a gift that he can use with his hobby.
  42. DVD or music and movie CDs if they have a DVD or CD player. If your budget allows it, give them a new DVD player!
  43. A prepaid cell phone for emergency use.
  44. A new kitten, puppy or bird if you are a pet lover and can take care of one.
  45. Those in a wheelchair need help shopping. When you deliver, stay for a snack or dinner at your favorite restaurant.
  46. Take them on a shopping spree that makes them feel safe and not vulnerable to car and purse thefts that happen in parking lots.
  47. A shopping sale promise booklet, a shopping appointment, a gift of consumables, be it worldly supplies or luxury indulgences, are always appreciated and add to a sense of abundance and secure comfort. Having a reliable supply of things to wear is a wonderful gift.
  48. Go out for a relaxed brunch in a very nice restaurant with your children and grandchildren. Let them invite a friend.
  49. Offer them a special dinner with their favorite foods.
  50. A rechargeable flashlight.
  51. Plane tickets to visit a family member or friend.

If you still don’t know what gift to give, talk to them and listen to their needs. Give them your

time and yourself to show that you care.

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