Great Oral Sex Techniques To Give Your Body Shaking Orgasms That Go On And On

There are many sexual techniques that can bring a woman to deep, body-shaking orgasms that will leave her begging for more.

Once you take her to these orgasmic experiences, you will find that you will get a lot of sex.

Men take note: they will be totally sexually satisfied.

However, one needs to learn many methods of giving orgasms, because relying on just one method will become boring and less effective over time.

The following method is quite special and almost no man will have tried this technique on his lover.

My great oral sex technique to give your body orgasms.

For this method, you’ll need a menthol cough drop handy at your bedside.

First warm up your lover with lots of foreplay flowing all over his body. Take the time to kiss her breasts, her mouth, her stomach, and her inner thighs. The fingers and toes can also be a hot spot. Many men don’t pay enough attention to foreplay to really allow a woman to get into her pleasure and want to have sex.

During foreplay, place the cough lollipop in your mouth and let it dissolve a bit.

Now, with the liquid from the cough drops on the tip of your tongue, massage the lips of the vagina and clitoris with your tongue.

Soon you will feel that the sensations of the menthol enter your body and increase your pleasure. One can add to this by gently blowing on the clitoris. Do not blow into the vulva as this can be dangerous.

Treat this great oral sex technique as something special, so don’t do it every time you do it.

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