Holiday Self Esteem – Give the gift of self esteem, self confidence and self respect!

Self-esteem is the set of feelings or beliefs we have about ourselves. The way we define ourselves influences our motivations, attitudes and behaviors and affects our emotional well-being. Self-confidence, good relationships, and a good chance of success in whatever you attempt is the prize for self-esteem. Now is the time to think about your overall self-assessment of your own worth, self-confidence and self-respect and how this influences your children and others around you and what you can do about it this holiday season.

Having a healthy self-esteem will produce:

– Armor against life’s challenges.

– Feel good about yourself

– They find it easier to handle conflicts and negative pressures.

– More realistic approach to life.

– You will look for solutions and have the ability to move forward instead of stagnating.

– Generally optimistic and will enjoy life more.

Low self-esteem produces:

– Challenges become sources of great anxiety and frustration.

– More difficult to find solutions to problems.

– Producing critical thoughts such as ‘I’m not good enough’, ‘I’m not lovable’, ‘I always do the wrong thing’, ‘Nobody cares about me’

– He will belittle himself for weaknesses instead of accepting them, for example. will say ‘I’m an idiot’ instead of saying ‘I don’t understand’

– Produce a passive, withdrawn or depressed state

– distorted perceptions of life

– may view temporary setbacks as intolerable and permanent

– A feeling of pessimism predominates.

Give the gift of fostering healthy self-esteem in your child!

Know that low self-esteem begins in childhood and is the result of the actions and attitudes of the significant older people around us. Don’t program your children to feel less than wonderful about themselves. Here are some great tips on how you can give and make a big difference:

  • Praise your child: especially for a job well done and for your effort. Be aware of his words, what he says and be sincere. Reward effort and completion rather than result. For example, his son lost in basketball and didn’t make it to the finals, say “you didn’t make it to the finals, but I’m proud of the effort you put in” instead of “next time you’ll work harder and you’ll make it.” .
  • Be a positive role model and don’t criticize even jokingly. Be sure to develop and display healthy self-esteem with your role model. You don’t want your child to grow up mirroring adults with pessimistic or unrealistic expressions about their abilities and limitations. For example, don’t criticize, look for positive ways to address a problem. If you criticize, your child is likely to grow up with a peer or boss who constantly tells them what they are doing wrong because they have grown up believing that it is okay for people to treat them that way and therefore allow and encourage it. Do not use derogatory nicknames as a joke, they are critical and damage self-esteem.
  • Address irrational beliefs. It is important to not only identify unhealthy or inaccurate irrational beliefs, but also to redirect them. These beliefs can include issues related to attractiveness, perfection, and abilities. An example might be that your child is doing well in school in general, but has difficulty with English. Your child may say things like ‘I’m not a good student’ or ‘I can’t speak English’. This is a generalization that is setting the outcome up for failure. You would redirect the child with something like ‘You are doing well in school and you are a good student, you just need to spend more time on English subject and we can work on developing that.’
  • Give spontaneous affection. Tell your child that you are proud of him or her. Hug your son. Leave a note on his pillow ‘I think you’re great’ or ‘you make a difference’. A parent’s love can support and increase a child’s self-esteem. Be careful not to overdo it – children know well when you are not being honest.
  • Don’t argue in front of your children.. Exposing your child to repeated arguments and fights can cause withdrawal and depression. Low self-esteem will result from a child feeling unsafe or being abused at home. Respect your child by creating a safe and nurturing home environment.

Self-esteem is not about bragging that you are the best or that you are perfect. No one is perfect, but having a healthy self-esteem will let you or your child know that you or he or she is worthy of love and acceptance. Self-esteem creates a belief in yourself and the courage to try new things and the ability to make better decisions about your mind and body instead of following the crowd by doing foolish or dangerous activities.

You will respect yourself even when you make mistakes because you will have a healthy and realistic view of your abilities and of a situation. Because you respect yourself, others will too. Tips to give yourself self-esteem! You can help build your self-esteem, love, and self-acceptance by focusing on the good things you do and all your great qualities. Here are some suggestions you can try to boost your self-esteem:

  • Choose your friends well. Choose to spend more time with people who help you feel good about yourself. Being in relationships that lift you up, not drag you down.
  • Make a list of the things you are good at. It can be anything from cooking, playing sports, drawing, writing, singing or telling a good joke. Now add a few things to your list that you would like to be good at. Now make a plan for how you could work on developing the skills you’ll need to be good at what’s on your list.
  • Give yourself a compliment a day. Find something you did during the day that was good. For example, ‘Today I was a good listener’ or ‘Today I was a good friend of Johnny’ or ‘Today I tried very hard to complete my work’
  • Keep a journal of the good things that have been said about you. Studies have shown that people with low self-esteem tend to forget or filter out information that counters long-held negative beliefs. Keeping a journal in which you write down the compliments you have been given will allow you to remember and recognize your true value.
  • Express gratitude every day. B.Before you go to bed each night, think of at least one thing in your day that you are grateful for. It could just be his toothbrush because it gives him clean teeth and fresh breath! Start small and expand each day.
  • Accept your body. Remember that there are some things that are uniquely you, accept them, such as the size of the shoes, the color of the skin and the height. Don’t compare yourself to others, just learn from them. If you want a healthier body, learn skills to improve your health and get physically active. Recognize the strengths of your body, for example. I have strong legs, I can ride a bike very well.
  • Upcoming negative thoughts and self-critical comments. Make a conscious effort to notice when a negative thought enters your mind. Stop immediately and redirect yourself to healthier thoughts. Negative thoughts discourage and drag down your self-esteem, as it does every time you make a self-deprecating negative comment like ‘I’m an idiot’, you are reinforcing negative patterns in your brain that are not serving you.

Have a self-esteem Christmas! Giving and Christmas always go hand in hand. So how about this Christmas you give self-esteem as your gift this season? Here are some suggestions:

Send a Self Esteem Christmas Card. Show your appreciation and thoughts by sending words of thanks, gratitude and appreciation of the person you are sending a Christmas card to in your greeting message. For example, thank friends for their friendship and smiling time together or, if you’re an employee, for their effort and loyalty. The extra effort of acknowledging something personal and good about another person goes a long way toward increasing the self-esteem of others.

Buy self-esteem gifts. Think about his message and what kind of gift would go with it to convey his words. Here are some examples: motivational books (to encourage and encourage) or board games (ideal for sharing fun, smiles, and memorable quality moments together).

So now you know why you want to foster healthy self-esteem in yourself and your children, and some tips to get you started. There is no better time to start than Christmas, the time for giving and the time to give the gift of life-enhancing self-esteem!

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