How to Succeed Online: Don’t Miss This Step, Or You Might Miss It

Here’s a question: What’s going on A LOT on the interwebz today?

Information dissemination?

No. It was always there…


Yes, but not at a mind-boggling pace…

E-commerce store building?

It’s also going up, but not quite close yet…



And contrary to what many would have you believe, this is NOT good news.

Wait, what could he possibly mean by this? Here’s what I’m trying to say: Regardless of what niche you’re a customer of (including the IM niche), every day we have 80 million inboxes flooded with emails that say:

“Hey! You have to go buy this product.”

“You have to check out this cool strategy.”

“Here’s the release shaking everyone…”

Why did this happened? Why do these thousands of morons have to keep throwing?

Because most people who know how to market online are too lazy and idiotic to do it RIGHT! Now wait a second, the guys who popularized this whole launch thing and came up with the launch plans and formulas meant well. They had a reason for making breakthrough pitches. They were sorely needed (and are still in the right places and niches).

So I’m not trying to criticize product launches per se. But this whole “all I can do online is launch a product” business model is incestuous…

If all you know how to do is call your friends and some big names in your market and beg them to email you, then that is NOT marketing. That is NOT called building a stable business. It’s called building “hype.” And this is scary, as that hype could flatten out any day, flattening your online presence with it.

You will hardly ever see a true internet marketer do a large-scale launch involving multiple affiliate partners (unless they’ve gone over $50 million to start a brand). Despite that, he is still in his business and doing quite well. I know a lot of these guys and I admire them because they KNOW how to build lead funnels and turn them into respectful, appreciative and satisfied buyers.

It’s these lead funnels that I call real email “LISTS” and building and converting them is a must for a long-term business plan.

Having an email list that responds to you and isn’t continually bombarded with offers is what you can rely on when you want on-demand income. If you build a list that has more enthusiastic leads who want to buy from you instead of a bunch of people you stole from your JV friends or stooges you picked from a boring landing page you continually test on, you’ll have more earnings with less effort. You will have real potential to earn passive income online.

Let me end this rant session with an example that you might take something from…

You are a hardworking guy and you carry a set of your progress with you all the time in a little notebook. They are in a ready state that you can include them in a valuable report in a few minutes and you have created some of them and kept them in the background, maybe even in your email account.

Let’s say you went to a 7-star hotel in Las Vegas with your family. You spent the evening enjoying yourself and had a royal dinner. Finally when the bill comes you realize you forgot your wallet! There is also no credit card available…

Now what?

Well, for most people, this would alarm their brains. But if you know what you’re doing, all you have to do is log on to one of your computers and send a little email to your loyal email list about one of your valuable progress reports. You tell them what it is, how it helps, and simply quote a small price. In 20 minutes, there will be enough purchases to pay for the day’s expenses and now it just credits your account.

That is the power of building an email list.

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