IN SEARCH OF GOD: The God of Spirituality

Questions about God have occupied our minds for centuries in one form or another. What is God? Does he really exist? Why do we seek God? Do religions really believe in the same God? Why are there religious wars? Such questions have been asked over and over again by humanity as such and by individual beings at different stages of their lives. The mythology of God has created its own history. Human society changed from hunter gatherers to farmers with the invention of agriculture. The feminine God was replaced by the masculine God and violence was introduced in the name of religion. Instead of searching for the God entangled in violence and survival, today we must search for the God of spirituality.

“With SPIRITUALITY comes Morality and does the right thing. Spiritual people are not without God, but honor the God in us all”

Religions and prophets have been preaching about God for centuries and millions of people have developed faith in their concept. The revolution in science and technology in this century has forced many of us to re-evaluate the doctrines and principles received through our religious traditions. Should we believe in creation or should we believe in evolution? Should we believe in heaven and Its court of law when we look up to the sky or should we believe in space, the planets and the galaxies up there? I hope this article provides a new insight into the mysteries about God and leaves us wise, peaceful, and enlightened. Instead of emphasizing the conflict between religion and science and pointing out their mutual exclusivity, we must unravel the threads of both and see to what extent one enhances the other.

The concept of God has practical value, for the new generation of science and technology and people of the 21st century, only if we are prepared to internalize that concept in a unique way. A scientist may find it hard to believe that some wise old man or woman sitting in the sky is in the know; because “God does not micromanage our actions.” But the same scientist cannot deny the incredible consciousness and intelligence that exists in life, in nature and in us. Being scientific is what makes us spiritual and believers.

God is no longer a theoretical concept preached by most religions. For the new generation of the 21st century, we should be able to experiment. This is the essential part of being a religious today. Knowing God, having vision, living with God 24 hours a day; That’s what being religious is all about. The God is not in the church, the mosque, the temple or the gurdwara, only that appears every Sunday. God is also not sitting somewhere in heaven watching our actions. The God is in us, the God is in congregation. “If we cannot see God in everything, we cannot see God at all.” We need scriptures that can teach us that all humans are capable of achieving union with God while they are still alive by realizing the Divinity within. We want to become one with God and experience it.

We need scriptures, where God-realization teaches the fusion of the soul (atma) with the supreme soul/God (parmatma) and salvation (Jeewan Muktee). In such a realization there is no heaven or hell per se. All who are on this earth; and not separate places like patal (underworlds) and agas (heaven) which have been misunderstood as particular places by many theologians.

We need scriptures like Guru Granth Sahib where Sikh Gurus and other contributors have defined God as Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Transcendental (Nirgun), Immanent (Sargun), creator, loving, kind, compassionate, caring, and in various other ways.

Humans are the only species in the animal kingdom that are blessed with analytical and logical ability. We have the only nervous system that is aware of the phenomenon of God, the soul, reincarnation, hell and heaven. Many of us question the existence of God that we have known through religion and history! Is God a creation of our own mind that is influenced by the environment? For example, most of those who grow up in a communist world do not believe in God. Is God an “idea” according to the climate, the environment and the tradition in which we have been educated? Does God exist only for us humans, the only species known to have a mind that fosters ideas?

Since the concept of God helps many of us deal with the ups and downs of life and keep our minds calm, could we be using the concept of God primarily to deal with life’s crises? I hope that this writing can provide a meaningful understanding of the questions we have raised here and many more that occupy our minds, as well as a personalized answer to the questions that will fit our nature as both rational and religious human beings.

Our purpose is not to create a new religion, sect or movement, but rather to understand the concept of God, which is the spiritual basis of life. Such understanding will put us on the path of love and happiness regardless of our faith.

In understanding God and Spirit, the mind, in the way we use the word, is not just thought. It includes our emotions, as well as all unconscious mental-emotional reactive patterns. Emotion arises in the place where mind and body meet. It is the body’s reaction to your mind, or you could say a reflection of your mind in the body. “Spirituality is defined as the self, connected (by consciousness/energy) to the Higher Power. We are all part of the One Spirit. When one experiences the true meaning of spirituality, which is to know God, one will realize that He is your Self, and that He exists equally and impartially in all beings.

The Self is the knower, the observer and the witness. He sees everything and not seen by the seer. Our consciousness of Being is consciousness. The body has no consciousness of its own if it were not impregnated with consciousness; it would be just a piece of meat. The mind has no consciousness of its own and does not even have true intelligence. The mind can only think and doubt. Has beliefs, opinions, likes, dislikes but is not aware of anything. Consciousness and true intelligence exist within the SELF”. The ego, the intellect and the senses are barriers to spirituality: “When the five senses are still and thought has ceased, when the intellect does not move, between two thoughts, then one can enjoy the tranquility. of the mind and reaches the highest state of spirituality.” The true spiritual experience is so profound that it completely transforms the character of the individual.

Unlike God in Semitic religions, the “God of spirituality” has no demons or evil. God is loving, kind, compassionate, kind and omnipresent. The realization of the “God of spirituality” does not support the concept of God punishing his creation for perceived sins and bad karma. Therefore, there is no doctrine of karma in any fatalistic or deterministic sense.”

“Why is God a mystery”? Just as a bird flying in infinite space leaves no footprints, God leaves no footprints in the material world! God is Omnipresent but remains a ‘Concept of God’, invisible to devotees: God is everywhere, in every visible and invisible atom of the Cosmos as a Power of evolution and involution. Thus, the Universe itself is unfolding from its own essence beyond the reach of our limited senses. There is no absolute proof of the presence of the Absolute and Infinite God. God cannot be confined within the confines of the finite experience of our limited body-mind-intellect apparatus. He will continue as a mystery unless we try to understand the laws of nature in the light of scientific knowledge.

God is not a logical proposition: you cannot prove it by logic; he cannot be refuted by logic. Logic is completely irrelevant to God. God is an idea in theology, although we try to make it a reality. Science makes it real, because universal energy is real and in science god is accepted as universal energy or God almighty.

There is a Universal energy that we can call God, Allah, Ram, Parmatma, Hari, Lord of the Universe, Nature or any other name we choose. That energy is constant; it cannot be created or destroyed. However, this energy can be converted into matter, and matter can be converted back into energy. Therefore, everything is created from this energy and returns to this energy. All matter is a form created from formless Energy, and creativity is infinite and the self-creative method is truly a wonder when we look at the creation and growth of living organisms. A scientist cannot deny the feeling of being initiated into Nature’s absolutely phenomenal and most intelligent work of self-creation in all complicated life forms, including a human being, through a very thoughtful and organized manner. This reminds me of Albert Einstein when he said, “God does not play dice with the world.” We can reformulate the previous revelation that “The Creator is in the Creation, and the Creation is in the Creator.” That is why it is impossible to see God, because He resides in us. Since we and God are one, obviously we cannot see God, just as, for example, an eye cannot see itself. This is as if the individual waves were part of the same ocean or the individual rays were part of the same Sun. That is the ultimate truth.

He who realizes this truth has no enmity. Because we are created from the same source. That is why “If we do not see God in everything, we cannot see God at all”. If we don’t see others as enemies, then there is no fear either. Fear is the product of others. One who realizes this truth not only has no enmity or fear, but he is not afraid of growing old or dying young. He is also not afraid of reincarnation, hell or heaven. But such understanding comes only to a few who are wounded and strive to understand this truth. That is what God realization is.

Another way of looking at the same point of view is: Many of us have been wondering what God is: “We spend too much time believing what we don’t know. Those who believe in God; God is the very center of our being, it’s like peeling an onion and arrive at that central nothingness, which is God. The universe and God are one. There is no remainder in the mathematics of infinity. All life is one; therefore, there cannot be God and man, nor a universe and God. A god that is not in the world is a false god, and a world that is not in God is unreal. All things become one again, and one operates in all.

“God is neither a Human Statue nor the God of any Religion. God is the Electromagnetic pulse of energy that gives life and lives within everything.”

This is why God and spiritual man, including all the prophets and saints, can represent reflections of God. This metaphor/similar can help us understand. God is one like the moon. However, there can be numerous reflections of the moon in pitchers filled with water. We are like pitchers of water that represent reflections. When a jar goes bad, the reflection disappears but the moon is there. Like this metaphor, God is real and immortal, but we, including prophets, come and go (because the material aspect of energy is not permanent). Therefore no prophet is God. Because God is one and only who is neither born nor dies. That is why we can say that God does not come in anthropomorphic form.

Reference: “IN SEARCH OF GOD: God of Spirituality” available at popular bookstores worldwide, including Amazon Kindle and Barnes & Noble.

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