Life philosophy

When we think deeply and look around the world, we see that everything is going to end slowly and gradually. Although things are beautiful everywhere, they can never stay forever, the beautiful flowers and birds in the forest, the King of the Jungle, the Lion, the mighty elephant, and the wise and beautiful person all come to an end. Days, months, years and decades go by. As things go to their destruction, the pleasure gained from these things is also destructive and can never last forever. Although everyone wants to be happy always, this is not possible because life is the name of change. Our body changes shape as we age. Although no one wants to look like an old person again, one does get old.

It can never be denied that each person would die one day and what is the day of our death we do not know. But our hopes are always alive that I will be an engineer, a doctor, a pilot, etc. Death can never be denied, it is the real truth. A large number of young people today are destroying their lives just by saying that we have to just enjoy life and that is our goal. But the real thing is to know the reality of life. What is our real goal? And what is the true way to lead a good and joyful life? Therefore, each soul has the unique goal of achieving true bliss and happiness, which can never be achieved by simply enjoying life. But it can be achieved by being a good and honest person. Now comes religion. Religion gives us the way to lead a good life. Whether one is Muslim, Hindu, Sikh or Christian. Every religion tells us to be good and to behave well with each and everyone.

Therefore, religion is a source to achieve our true goal. Good deeds are the foundations. So start with some good deeds in your life.

  1. Help people in need, feed the hungry.
  2. Do not harm any innocent soul physically or with your attitude.
  3. Respect your elders.
  4. Speak politely.
  5. Sit in the Holy Company.

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