Qualities to be a good father 2 – Eleven more

The first ten qualities for being a good father came out so well here are eleven more.

1) Spend time with your child alone and as a family unit.

Pen, not pencil, in a moment to do something special with your child. Read to them at night, go for a walk together. Get to know your child. Also, do things as a family. Have dinner together, play a board game together, even play handball together… By doing this, you are creating a family bond. Children who don’t see much of their parents or siblings may have no idea what families really do together. Give your child a base.

2) Show your child how to solve life’s problems.

If you don’t teach your child how to deal with problems the right way, who will teach them? Problems can range from how to deal with friends who are mean to how to lose a game without having a meltdown. Life can be tough, teach them how to handle it the best you can.

3) Inculcate the idea of ​​moderation. ie food. TV. Computer games. You can’t have everything all the time.

4) Teach good eating habits. Monkey looks monkey does.

5) Teach tolerance towards others through their own behavior.

6) Teach your child about finances.

It’s no joke when a woman says, “Oh, I have no head for finances. My parents never taught me.” Children must learn to budget their money. They shouldn’t spend money on things they don’t have money for. Credit card debit can be like a black hole. It’s hard to get out.

7) Teach your child responsibly.

From helping with housework to turning in your homework on time. His son’s boss later in life won’t believe his dog ate the company project report.

8) Teach to appreciate life.

If you complain and complain about life and what it has dealt you, you are instilling negativity in your child. There are things to appreciate. From art to nature to your pet dog to the right to a fair trial in the US

9) Teach your child about safety.

The world is not perfect. You need to teach your child to protect himself. This can be anything from the danger of matches to not going anywhere with a stranger, no matter if the person says they are hurt, you the parent is hurt, or the pup in your car is hurt and you can help.

10) Provide your child with a warm and safe home environment.

Your material possessions come second to a child’s basic needs. Food, clean clothes and shelter. Also, a child shouldn’t be afraid to live in her house. No child should be exposed to or have to worry about being verbally or physically abused by someone in their home.

11) Let your child grow up and go when the time comes.

One day your child might want a spouse. It’s hard to have a good marriage with a father-in-law poking around in your business all the time. Children and adults need to learn to make their own decisions. The fact that a minor decision your child chooses is different from what you would choose does not automatically mean that it is the wrong choice. Dealing with parental guilt is not fun.

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