Rowing – a great back exercise that will help keep chronic tension headaches at bay

An exercise for the middle and upper back

If you want to get rid of chronic tension headaches, you need to correct

poor posture. You do this by retraining your muscles to adapt

to the proper posture.


Through stretching and exercise. It is particularly important for

strengthen your back. Strong back muscles will help support

raise your shoulder girdle so that you can pull your shoulders back and

keep them in that position all day.

It is very important to remember that in order to maintain tension

headaches away, the muscles of the back, shoulders and chest need

function in the proper position whenever it is raised. For most of us

that’s 16-18 hours a day.

You not only have to strengthen these muscles, you have to work

in its resistance as well. Obviously, they are going to need a lot

resistance to keep you upright all day.

Probably the best exercise to strengthen the muscles of your

the middle and upper back is a seated row exercise. You can do it

exercise in various ways.

If you have a rowing machine, use it. Emphasize backtracking and

really stretch your shoulders and chest as you pull and squeeze your

shoulder blades together.

If you don’t have access to a rowing machine, a simple and inexpensive

alternative is to get an old inner tube or one of those therapeutic bands

that are available at sporting goods stores (they are like giant rubber bands

bands). Or you can just get some old tubes, like the inner tube of

an old bicycle tire.

How to do the rowing exercise correctly

Sit on the floor, with your legs stretched out in front of you. take your

tube, theraband, or old bicycle tube, hook it over your feet and

duplicate a row move. Pull back, making sure to keep your

shoulders, back and head up, and squeeze the shoulder blades

together while pulling the tube toward you. This is just very

Basic row exercise.

To keep things simple, do this exercise until the muscles in your

back begin to burn slightly. That burning sensation indicates that

you have reached the point of fatigue of those muscles. is almost the

the same burning sensation you feel at midday or late in the afternoon in

work: the burning sensation that occurs just before the strain

headaches begin.

When your muscles start to burn, stop smoking and write down how long you smoked.

the exercise.

If, for example, you did the exercise for two minutes

before your muscles started to burn, then your goal should be

increase that time by about 15-20 seconds. Every time you do the

exercise, try to improve your performance for that amount of time.

When you do this exercise, pull back until you reach an upright position.

position, then pull your arms back as far as you can. Make sure

you’re squeezing your shoulder blades. don’t do the exercise

quickly, but keep a good pace.

Your goal is the same as it would be for any other weightlifting or

aerobic activity: you want to gradually increase your performance

until you reach your goal. That goal is to be able to do this for 10

minutes three times a week.

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