Senior dog not accepting new puppy or dog? – Try this!

Most likely, the older dogs will eventually accept a new, younger dog. However, some will not make joining their pack easy for the newbie! As far as the older dog is concerned, the new puppy or dog must learn and earn her place in the pack.

In this scenario, many older dogs behave as they would in the wild. By ignoring and/or growing up the new pup or dog, they are showing their Alpha status. In an instinctive and natural way, the pup learns to respect and order the pack.

There can be a lot of drama with growing and snapping; it rarely gets more serious than that. Stay out of it unless you see it getting out of hand. By interfering, you are disrupting the natural order of survival and pack psychology. Smart pups will back off, out of respect. Often what you will see is that as the older dog feels that the puppy or new dog accepts the terms of their relationship, there will be more peaceful and less dramatic interactions.

A great way to help your dogs bond is to walk them together. By demonstrating your leadership skills, you are instilling in both dogs, YOU are at the top of the pack. Now, they have something in common. Both are subordinates in the pack.

Let your older dog see good things happen when the puppy or new dog is around. This can be done by giving them treats and tones of praise for staying calm. Spend quality time alone with your older dog. Don’t let them feel like they are being “replaced.” Safe dogs are happy dogs.

Find some common and fun exercises and games that you will enjoy doing together. As you playfully interact more with each other, back off gracefully. Let them focus and enjoy playing with each other, not with you.

Enroll in an obedience class with positive reinforcement and no punishment. Just because your senior dog isn’t a puppy doesn’t mean she won’t enjoy Puppy Kindergarten. Your older dog will be a great role model for your pup. Pups love to learn with “monkey see, monkey do.” They can also become part of a new, larger pack… socializing with other dogs and puppies will be beneficial to both.

CONCLUSION: Be patient. By letting nature take its course, the situation usually takes care of itself. Interestingly, the best part of doing it this way is; the pup’s inherent pack instincts are reinforced. It is how they associate trust, respect, and their rightful place in the pack that they must learn and earn.

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