The 5 Best Pet Snakes for the Beginning Collector

Find out which snake is the best pet for a beginner

Are you thinking of having a snake as a pet? For many people, snakes are scary, but for others, they are among the most interesting creatures on earth. These are usually collectors of pet snakes. Many people would like to have a snake as a pet, but often don’t know which species of snake will be best for them. There are a number of things to consider when trying to decide what type of snake would be the best to keep as a first pet.

Things to consider before choosing a snake as a pet are how much space is available to keep them, if you plan to handle them, if you are squeamish about their feeding habits, if you plan to keep more than one, etc. There are many more but you get the idea.

Here are what we consider to be 5 of the best pet snakes for the beginning collector. They are not in any particular order. These 5 are not the only snakes that will make good pets and not everyone will agree with them, but this will give you a boost to do your own research and decide which snake will be best for you.

corn snake

The corn snake is recognized as one of the best pet snakes for a beginner. They are relatively small, 3 to 5 feet long, and are very hardy. They are not picky eaters and will eat frozen mice which makes feeding them a breeze. The enclosures to house them do not have to be very elaborate or large. The fact that they are hardy and can put up with mistakes and rough handling makes them a good pet for someone who doesn’t know much about snake care.

ball pythons

This type of snake is generally docile and friendly. They don’t get very big, making them a good choice for a small area. Female ball pythons will average 3 to 5 feet in length and males will average 2 to 3 feet. They are easy to care for and do not mind being handled. Ball pythons usually feed on mice or rats and kill their prey by constricting and suffocating it, but it is best to feed frozen food rather than live food. Future owners who are squeamish about feeding ball pythons live animals will appreciate this.

milk snakes

These snakes are especially good for beginners as they only grow to 2-3 feet. A 10 to 20 gallon container with a secure wire lid (they are escape artists) is big enough for them. Just make sure there are places for them to hide as they are quite shy. Feeding milk snakes is easy as they do not require special food. While they do like live food, it is best to feed them frozen mice. Milk snakes are easily spooked and will basically abandon you until they are comfortable with handling.

king snake

A king snake is one of the best pet snakes for collectors because of its different colors and patterns. They are docile and easy to care for. They grow between 2 and 4 feet, so they can live in a smaller cage than many snakes. In the wild, king snakes will eat almost anything alive that is smaller than themselves. They are famous for eating poisonous snakes. These snakes are very easy to care for, tough and non-aggressive towards humans. King snakes are not picky eaters and will readily eat frozen mice or rats.

rat snakes

Although not as well known as some of the other snakes, the rat snake also makes a good beginner pet snake. They typically grow 3 to 5 feet long. They are resistant and do not mind being handled even by children. Although they are constrictors and prefer live food, it is best to feed them frozen mice or rats to minimize the danger of being bitten by animal food. They hibernate in the wild for the winter and may stop eating during this time of year. In spring they will return to normal. Over time they can break out of this cycle. They reproduce without difficulty in confinement, so it is not difficult to raise a family of snakes.

No matter what type of snake a beginning pet owner chooses, careful consideration regarding housing and feeding the new pet snake will be vital. Doing a lot of research on the different types of snakes and which ones are best for beginners can help potential owners decide which type of snake will be the best pet for them. While the snakes listed above are all docile, fairly hardy, and can be handled, there may be some lesser-known traits that would make you choose one over the other. Talking to the owners of the snakes you are considering is a good idea. Snakes live a long time, so you will need to choose your pet carefully so that both of you are happy in the many years you will be together.

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