The first 6 things President Biden should do

Whether one supports, the philosophy, preferences, goals and priorities of the 45th president of the United States, Donald Trump, or, in opinion, his actions, rhetoric and plans were contrary to the best interests of this nation, and citizens, after From the pre-election and post-election events, it should be obvious, we need to unite this nation for the common good! In recent memory, few remember, any previous president, who behaved, the way this did! When a political fact (verifying, proclaiming, lying, etc., at an alarming and unprecedented rate, and continuing to articulate statements, often) is refuted, shouldn’t that alarm us, in terms of its longer-term ramifications? about the very nature of this nation? With that in mind, this article will attempt to consider the first 6 things President Joe Biden should address and do.

1. Change the tone (unify, instead of polarize): We need to change the tone of our political environment, sooner rather than later! Since his predecessor seemed to serve, his main supporters, the new occupant of the White House, must emphasize improving the overall atmosphere of the nation and all of our people. Perhaps, this means that you should work hard to make America sane – again!

2. Public Health / Healthcare: There must be something very wrong with our approach to public health (and crises), when the United States, with approximately 4.5% of the world’s population, has experienced about 20% of the cases and deaths on the planet. . Based on that, we should have had around 75,000, instead of 300,000 deaths! It means that Biden must restore public health efforts, to be guided by experts and scientists! In terms of health and medical care, we need a system, where health care is seen as a right, rather than a privilege, for the few and the wealthiest.

3. Climate change: President Trump’s administration was denying the dangers of climate change, etc. This has hurt the nation and the rest of the planet, and President Biden must restore this to a top priority and consider this in a realistic, relevant, sustainable and responsible way.

Four. Environmental Protection: Over the past four years, we have witnessed an apparent attempt to equate environmental protections, such as protection, clean air and water, with mere financial costs! If, once again, we do not take care to reverse these actions and protect them, we harm future generations.

5. Infrastructure: In many areas, especially in older cities, infrastructure is collapsing and we need to start addressing them before it’s too late. Roads, bridges, tunnels, public transport, water supply, electricity supply (and network), etc., are all relevant and sustainable needs that must be protected proactively.

6. Employment / Jobs / Wages: We need a more realistic, necessary minimum wage that hasn’t been raised, nationally, in decades! Our government often paints a prettier picture than it does, equating employment / unemployment figures with economic quality. We need low unemployment, but we must strive to make jobs relevant, for current and foreseeable needs, etc. In the past two decades, the wage gap between the wealthiest and the rest of the nation has widened dramatically.

Let’s make America sane again! This will only happen, if / when, President Biden, moves, moves, toward achieving these essential goals, needs, and priorities!

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