The health benefits of garlic and onion are vital: what about green garlic and green onion?

Garlic and onions, especially the sweeter, milder tasting shallots, are among the world’s healthiest foods. It costs you almost nothing for the huge benefits in return, that is, if you are consistent in eating them daily. Apart from its use as minced garlic or onion to flavor a dish, here are 2 recipes with the 2 allium bulbs as the main ingredient.

Pickled Garlic Recipe

To begin with, a Chinese chef’s ‘sweet and sour garlic’ recipe involves pickling twice-peeled heads of garlic; first, in vinegar for 3 weeks, then in a mixture of light and thick soy sauce, for another 3 weeks. In each case, the jar of pickles must be covered with a lid. Sweet and sour garlic pickle is a good dish to accompany rice or congee, and is said to be good for rheumatism and excess water in the body.

benefits of garlic

Researching the works of Indian health experts on the benefits of garlic, I deduce that eating raw garlic cloves daily, instead of garlic tablets, capsules or supplements, is a safe remedy for problems related to the stomach, lungs and the heart. All this is due to its powerful antioxidants that can defeat all the diseases that assail you.

Oven Roasted Onion Recipe

Then, my first encounter with the flat round Italian cipollini onion, a good substitute for red shallot, was in an upmarket supermarket; It arrived, without fanfare, but only with a small note of a recipe for ‘Roasted Cipollini Onions’.

About 500 grams of these onions have to be roasted twice, first in a covered dish for 20 minutes, followed by another 20 minutes with the dish, uncovered. Coated with olive oil, balsamic vinegar and honey, the cipollinis are seasoned with fresh thyme, salt and pepper.

benefits of onion

This small onion, believed for its mild flavor, has great health benefits. In fact, all onions, eaten raw every day, are good for your heart, eyes, and joints due to their powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-cholesterol, and anti-cancer properties.

However, if you’re not a fan of bulbous garlic or onion, all is not lost; only bet on the green correspondences, that is, the green onion or shallot and the green garlic.

Green onions

As you know, the green onion or shallot has a long green stem and a small bulb, both of which comprise the young shoot of the bulb onion. Its counterpart, green garlic resembles a green onion in many ways, except it has a larger bulb at the end.

To reverse a cold with body aches, boil a few slices of ginger with the whole green onion, stem, and bulb for five minutes for tea. In fact, in Chinese alternative medicine there is a book on the wonders of garlic, green onions and ginger to treat every type of disease imaginable.

Plus, chopped green onions or shallots are more than just a side dish; these vegetables help you feel full after a meal. Plus, you’ll enjoy a stir-fry, stew, or soup with just a generous pinch. Plus, brain concerns are best assimilated with soup and some green onions, which happen to be a rich source of vitamin K, an emerging nutrient in brain function.

green garlic

On the other hand, garlic leaves add a mild garlic flavor to dishes; and they are great in a stew or soup with baby carrots, navy beans and fennel; or in a fettuccine alfredo with lots of vegan cream, butter and cheese, and broccoli.

Louis Diat is partly right; without garlic and onions you just wouldn’t mind living.

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