Christian Funeral Customs in Singapore

Christian Funeral Customs

When planning a funeral service for a loved one, you should be aware of Christian funeral customs Singapore. People of the faith go to heaven and come back as a new person. Therefore, the funeral ceremony should be in keeping with what God would have us do. There is a lot of talk about heaven today as well as hell. Therefore, the funeral or celebration should be a celebration of life even though the soul has passed away.

The family should start making preparations for the funeral six to eight weeks prior to the actual funeral date. A headstone should be chosen out of those offered by the funeral parlour. This is usually the most popular form of memorial stone that people prefer to have placed on their grave. The family can get hold of an inexpensive granite or marble headstone from a friend or relative. There are several designs that they can choose from and this will help them to create a fitting tribute for their departed loved one.

Funeral poems can be written by the family. It should contain special memories of them and also a description of how they lived their lives. These poems can be saved in PDF format which can then be read over at a later time.

Tributes can also be made to be read during the service. This should be done by a member of the family or anyone else close to the deceased. The readings can be brief yet moving to portray the depth of the person’s personality. The readings will serve to guide those who are grieving.

Christian Funeral Customs in Singapore

Wreaths can also be given to the guests during the funeral. These wreaths are smaller in size than those used for weddings and memorial services. They are usually held upside down to signify that death has occurred while the body was upside down. These Christian Funeral Singapore customs in Singapore can vary depending on the culture and beliefs of the particular country you are visiting. There are over 60 different types of readings and wreaths that can be made available.

Funeral prayers are also commonly offered. These prayers are commonly answered with a collective Hallelujah for the deceased. You may want to give this service to a minister of your choice. Otherwise, you may just recite from the Bible or write your own personal script to say.

Often after the funeral service is finished, a candle may be lit in memory of the deceased. People in the crowd may light the candle with one of the candles that are available in the market. This is done as a sign of respect and tribute to the deceased. Singaporean Christians often do this during their weekly worship sessions.

Christian funeral traditions in Singapore are rich and varied. With all these offerings, it’s no surprise why there are several Christian ethnicities in this wonderful country. The future of Singapore as a nation is bright because of the Christian and Bibles presence. It’s expected that more temples will be built in the near future. I believe that this trend will continue to grow and will become an important part of Singapore’s history.

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